Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Dannoy stat'ey my nachinaem seriyu publikaciy nashey kollegi iz Italii doktora Lilii Bortolotti. Prepoda‑ vala v universitetah Verony, Padui, Florencii, Bolon'i, Modeny, Bari. Chitala kurs lekciy v universitetah SShA i Meksiki. Osnovnoy krug nauchnyh interesov posvyaschen probleme polnoy poteri zubov. Yavlyaetsya soavtorom ryada uchebnikov i rukovodstv v dannoy oblasti, imeet bol'shoe chislo publikaciy v veduschih mirovyh stomatologicheskih i obschemedicinskih zhurnalah. Liliya Bortolotti yavlyaetsya odnim iz veduschih specialistov v oblasti stomatologicheskogo materialovedeniya, yavlyalas' konsul'tantom ryada veduschih mirovyh firm-proizvoditeley. V nastoyaschee vremya rukovodit klinikoy v g. Bolon'e. Sotrudnichaet s ryadom stomatologicheskih associaciy mira i universitetskoy klinikoy g. Bolon'i.

Lechenie nachalos' s izgotovleniya immediat- proteza na nizhnyuyu chelyust', zatem etot protez byl perebazi‑ rovan cherez 6 mesyacev, i, nakonec, byli izgotovleny novye konstrukcii dlya obeih chelyustey.
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21. Bortolotti L., Melilli D., Curro G., Cassaro A. Prosthetic rehabilitation of a young patient affected by ectodermal dysplasia with the new Eclipse Resin System. Scheduled for publication on Quintessence Internat, 2007.

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