Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Engel's, Saratov, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
In the paper there are described the works of different authors and offered by them methods of leveling and geometrical parameters stabilization in long-length weak-rigid parts. Drawbacks of methods declared are revealed and the necessity in the development of the procedure of residual stresses leveling in long-length weak-rigid parts of a "shaft" type based on a probabilistic simulator formation is shown.
leveling, residual stresses, geometrical parameters stabilization
1. Pat. 2525023 RF, B24B39/04, B21D3/16. Method of soft long-length leveling / Kropotkina E.Yu., GrigorievS.N., Volosova M.A.; FSBEI HVE “Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN”. – 201215686/02; applied 26.12.2012; published 10.08.2014;
2. Pat. 2254192 RF, B21D3/16. Method for vibration processing of axisymmetric long-length parts and device for its carrying out / Rastorguev D.A., Drachev O.I., Soldatov A.A.; SEI HVE “Togliatti State University” – 2003136836/02; ap-plied 19.12.2003; published 20.06.2005;
3. Pat. 2020012 RF, B21D3/16. Device for blank leveling and strengthening / Buravtsev S.K.; Buravtsev Sergey Kons-tantinovich. – 5051932/27; applied 13.07.1992; published 30.09.1994;
4. Pat. 2021098 RF, B24B39/04, B21D3/16. Method for soft shaft machining / Mazur V.K., Muratkin G.V.; Produc-tion-Commercial Company “Teko Ltd.” – 5024781/27; applied 01.07.1991; published 15.10.1994.
5. Pat. 2380212 RF, B24B39/04, B21D3/16. Method for soft shaft machining / Muratkin G.V., Kotov I.V., Sintsov A.S.; State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Edu-cation “Togliatti State University” – 2008122826/02; applied 05.06.2008; published 27.01.2010.
6. Pat. 2416475 RF, B21D3/16. Plant for low-rigid parts vibroprocessing / Boichenko O.V., Drachev O.I., Granchenko D.V.; State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Edu-cation ”Togliatti State University” – 2008139175/02; applied 01.10.2008; published 20.04.2011.