employee from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
V stat'e na primere konkretnogo klinicheskogo sluchaya rassmotren variant resheniya problemy adaptacii k s'emnym konstrukciyam u pacientov s polnoy poterey zubov pri neblagopriyatnyh klinicheskih usloviyah na nizhney chelyusti i yavleniyah neperenosimosti s'emnyh konstrukciy. Rassmotrena metodika protezirovaniya na nizhney chelyusti s neravnomernoy atrofiey kostnoy tkani s primeneniem cilindricheskih implantatov s sharovidnymi abatmentami dlya fiksacii perekryvayuschego plastinochnogo proteza. Osobennost'yu dannogo protezirovaniya yavlyaetsya metodika postanovki iskusstvennyh zubov po Alessio Casucci – Alessandro Ielasi, pozvolyayuschaya dobit'sya vysokih esteticheskih i funkcional'nyh rezul'tatov.
polnaya poterya zubov, protezirovanie na implantatah, cilindricheskiy abatment, zamkovoe kreplenie, sharovidnyy attachment, postanovka zubov po A. Casucci i A. Ielasi.
1. Effect of basic stomatological polymers on their thermomechanical properties and resistance to external environments / N. A. Belokonova, Ya. V. Kostrov, S. E. Zholudev [et al.] // ADVANCES IN CURRENT NATURAL SCIENCES. –2016. – № 5. – P. 9‑13.
2. Ielasi, A. Funzione ed estetica della protesi totale nella routine quotidiana [Electronic resource] / A. Ielasi, A. Casucci // Accademia Italiana di odontoiatria protesica. – URL: http://www.aiop.com/articoli/vedi/91/funzione-ed-estetica-della-protesi-totale-nella-routine-quotidiana/.
3. Ielasi, A. Tutti I casi clinici Alessandro Ielasi [Electronic resource] / A. Ielasi, A. Casucci // Accademia Italianadi odontoiatria protesica. URL: http://www.aiop.com/articoli/vedi/118/caso-clinico-alessandro-ielasi/.
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5. Kapur, K. K. A clinical evaluation of denture adhesives / K. K. Kapur // J. Prosthetic Dent. – 1967. – Vol. 18. – P. 550‑558.
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7. Role of the dentist orthopedist in implant placement planning using surgical templates and software complex implant-assistant/ S. E. Zholudev, V. A. Strizhakov, A. Y. Remov, D. S. Zholudev [et al.] // The actual problems in dentistry. – 2015. – Vol. 11, № 5–6. – P. 54–63.
8. Zholudev, S. E. Specialities of prosthetics with full dentures and adaptation to them in people of elderly and senile age / S. E. Zholudev // Urals Medical Journal. – 2012. – № 8. – P. 31–35.