p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
OKSO 36.05.01 Ветеринария
The purpose of the research is to increase the reproductive function of heifers of Holstein breed. Material studies served as the ovaries Holstein heifers at the age of 16 months grown by different techniques content (stable-pasture and year-round stall-box). To determine macro-, micro-morphological parameters of the studied groups of heifers has been applied to the complex anatomical, histological research methods. Ovaries of heifers were are cut in half (through the gates of the body) and cut into marked pieces of size 1x1 cm Prepared samples were processed by Volkova- Yeletskiy method, then embedded in paraffin. Objects microcameras on three clearly defined levels, thus ensuring objectivity of the results of the qualitative analysis and micrometry. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin eosin, fuchsin van gieson. The ovarian surface is bumpy with exposed cavitary follicles in the number of 3-6 pieces in one ovary. The oval shape of the ovaries. The mass of the right ovary more than the left-right asymmetry. The technology of growing heifers affects the morphological parameters of the ovaries in heifers. In heifers grown under intensive technology weight and morphometric parameters of the ovary is less than that of their peers. In heifers of the first group (it) quality population growth rate of the tertiary follicles are in 60-80% of cases of large cyst-like follicles with horse thin wall, and heifers of the second group (TT) of 20%, the remaining follicles maintain a healthy structure. Atresial body in the ovaries of heifers mostly tecale-atresial nature, but animals grown in conditions of intensive technologies are cystic, fibrous shapes up to 40%. In the main veins of the ovary of heifers grown under intensive technologies identified vascular disorders (dilatatia, plethora).
ovary, ovocyte, follicle, arteries, veins
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