Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
A process of rapid vacuum induction soldering of the beryllium encasement of inner-chamber components for a thermonuclear reactor is considered. The soldering technological peculiarities, methods of control and tests of soldered joints are analyzed. Basic reasons in the defect formation and corresponding solutions used to increase joint quality are considered.
inner-chamber components, first wall panels, beryllium encasement, qualification, vacuum induction soldering, amorphous ribbon solder
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2. Kalinin, B.A., Suchkov, I.V., Mazul, A.N., Makhankov, Gervash, A.A. et al. ITER first wall soldering with quick-dissolving ribbon copper-base solder // Science and Technolo-gy. Vol. 65 (March/April). – 2014. – pp. 212-221.
3. Mitto, R., Iton, R., Gervash, A., Kuznetsov, V., Davy-dov, V., Rulev, R. Permissible thermal load upon plate edge of ITER beryllium encasement // Nuclear Materials and Energy. Elzevier. – 2017. – pp. 1067-1070.
4. Bulavinov, A., Pinchuk, R., Gurieva, T, Lyanzberg, D. et al. Process of robotized research of central assemblage of divertor and first wall panels of ITER based on new method of ultrasonic tomography // the XIX-th World Conf. on Nonde-structive Check. June 13, 2016.