Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The receiving antenna is an important part of a radio channel that requires electrodynamic approach in mathematical simulation of its characteristics. Since the invention of radio, and due to further theoretical studies of radio signal transmission, the following situation has arisen: researchers’ attention to receiving antennas is inversely proportional to the factor by which their number exceeds the number of transmitting antennas. We address the problem of building a receiving antenna electrodynamic model in terms of a waveguide representation of HF field. Structurally, the antenna is considered as metal wires of a finite length and arbitrary configuration. Current distribution in antenna is calculated using the long-line theory and normal-mode approach. The mathematical representation of the receiving antenna electrodynamic model is calculation expressions for receiving coefficients of normal modes. They reflect the effects of receiving antenna characteristics, including its directional pattern, on effectiveness of the incident HF field energy conversion into the energy of the driven current waves and final distribution of net current in antenna. These expressions are used to derive the expression to calculate the effective length of the receiving antenna. The obtained mathematical expressions of the receiving antenna electrodynamic model do not contradict the principle of antenna reciprocity. We present calculation formulas for the receiving coefficients and excitation of the isotropic antenna electromagnetic model.

HF field, receiving antenna, Earth — ionosphere waveguide, normal-mode approach
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