The article deals with the geological structure, geomorphic features and mineral resources ofKemerovoregion. It describes stratified formation of late Precambrian (Riphean and Vendian), Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. The article considers four main tectono-magmatic stages of geological development of the area (posteritas-early Ordovician, Ordovician-Silurian, Devonian-late Permian and late Permian-Mesozoic). It enumerates the characteristics of the major tectonic elements of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria, Salair and Tom ' -Kolyvan areas of the Kuznetsk coal basin. It lists deposits of iron, manganese, polymetallic lead-zinc and copper ore, aluminum raw materials. One of the oldest and valuable minerals of the region is gold. The coalbearing formations of the Kuznetsk coal basin described in the article are the largest of all the exploited coal basins of the world, in terms of reserves and quality of coal. The article lists non-metallic minerals, and the geography of their fields. It describes the main morphostructural elements: the Salair ridge, Alatau-Shor highlands, Tom ' -Kolyvan hill, the Kuznetsk basin and theChulymvalley.
Kemerovo oblast, Geology, tectonics, magmatism, minerals, relief