Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
The information available on high technology in food industry is systematized. Different approaches to the development and integration of scientific knowledge are discussed. According to the European Institute for Food Processing (EU-IFP), there are three possible areas where a breakthrough in food science can occur: biotechnology (BIOTECH), nanotechnology (NANO), and information and communication technology (ICT). A transition is expected of high technology in food industry to convergent technologies in a combination with cognitive science (COGNITIVE). The four components of high technology are analyzed using food industry examples. We believe that the transfer of scientific knowledge into food industry can facilitate the technological development of the Russian agroindustrial complex.
high technology, convergent technologies, food industry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology, cognitive technologies
The modern pace of scientific progress and the generation of new ideas breaks ahead of their practical application. Scientific findings in various areas of knowledge, including in food industry, do not get a chance to be transformed into a new technology. Thus, the development of a conceptual approach to the implementation of new discoveries in industry is required. The term high technology (high tech/hi-tec) dates back to the 1950s, when it was used initially in atomic energy research [1]. Later it found use in research papers on economics and finance [2]. In 1971, Robert Metz abbreviated it to high-tech [3, 4]. The term was used to denote the leading technologies of its time. The branches of industry that are most dependent on science are usually labeled high technology. According to the presentation ( of the first European Institute for Food Processing (EU-IFP), there are three subdivisions of high-tech: biotechnology (BIOTECH), nanotechnology (NANO), and information and communication technology (ICT).
The project leading to the establishment of the EU-IFP was named HighTech Europe (HTE). It was a joint initiative of European research institutions and industrial associations. This project can be seen as a new era in the history of food industry; it will promote research and development needed to establish a lasting integration of scientific findings with experimental engineering and/or technological developments and the subsequent transfer of knowledge from scientists to industrialists. What are the strategic areas of development in food industry?
The core of the development of HighTech in food processing is the presence of an lighthouse watcher, or the principles of evaluation and description of food industry to create a comprehensive database. The objective is to combine the potential sources of innovation with the needs of the industry, keeping in mind the ethical and social dimension. The lighthouse watcher comprises the following building blocks: scientific knowledge, the needs of the industry, personnel policy, and a sustainable development plan.
Scientific knowledge is a key factor in the development of HighTech in food industry. The three main blocks within the project (BIOTECH, NANO, and ICT) will determine the development strategy for food processing. These areas have the greatest innovation "strength" and are a promising source of the future high-tech food production. The strategic goal is to link together a chain for the transfer of HighTech knowledge, which can lead the way into the future of food industry. The structure combines scientific knowledge (universities) with intermediate centers and/or high-tech pilot institutions that can transfer technology to private entrepreneurs through regional organizations and industrial associations.
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