Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The paper deals with the rights and obligations of the Prosecutor in the exercise of supervision over the legality of operational and investigative activities. The study features the norms of Federal laws "On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation" and "On the operational-search activity". The author describes the range of participants of operational and search activity, i.e. the legal bodies that carry out operational-search activity, the court, the Prosecutor, and the citizens. Based on the analysis of normative acts, the author suggests some improvements in the sphere of legislation, e.g. to expand the range of subjects entitled to the production of operational investigative activities at the expense of the operational units of the Russian Guard, the military police, the Federal bailiff service. It is concluded that the Prosecutor supervising the implementation of the laws in operational and search activity has the right to exercise the powers inherent to other areas of prosecutorial activity. These powers to identify violations of the law and respond to them can be called functional. However, the Prosecutor can do so only on condition that these powers are included in the rules of the law relating to the conduct of operational and search activities.
attorney, prosecutor, authority, powers, authorities of investigative activities
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