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Abstract (English):
In 2011, ISTP SB RAS began to deploy a routinely operating network of receivers of global navigation satellite system signals. To date, eight permanent and one temporal sites in the Siberian region are operating on a regular basis. These nine sites are equipped with 12 receivers. We use nine multi-frequency multi-system receivers of Javad manufacturer, and three specialized receivers NovAtel GPStation-6 designed to measure ionospheric phase and amplitude scintillations. The deployed network allows a wide range of ionospheric studies as well as studies of the navigation system positioning quality under various heliogeophysical conditions. This article presents general information about the network, its technical characteristics, and current state, as well as the main research problems that can be solved using data from the network.

ionosphere, GNSS, GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, total electron content, scintillations, Javad, NovAtel
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