Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper features determination and visualization of the culture of professional activity in an individual. According to the acme-personalized principles of construction of an integral pedagogical process, personal development largely depends on one’s personal culture of professional activity. To define the concept of "culture of professional activity", one needs a systematic search. Both traditional and innovative aspects have to be taken into consideration, as well as the conceptual apparatus. The present research defines some models of the concept of "culture of professional activity" in its broad, narrow, local, unified, humanistic, and personified meaning. The poly-systemic nature of the proof of the connection between the constructed determinations results from the experience in solving the problems of scientific research in pedagogy, observing the foundations of scientific knowledge in general, professional, private-subjective, and private practice of recording the conditions, directions, and models of pedagogical search. The authors define the concepts of "the model of the formation of the culture of professional activity", "the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional activity culture", and the "technology of forming a culture of individual professional activity of the individual". They also describe their use in pedagogical discourse. The constructs of organization of scientific search can reflect the unity of general, particular, and local methods of solving the problems of the development of scientific knowledge and scientific and pedagogical theory as a whole.

pedagogical modeling, pedagogical methodology, culture of professional activity, model of the formation of a culture of professional activity, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a culture of professional activity, technology of formation of culture of professional activity of the person
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