Novokuzneck, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Introduction. The present paper features some approaches to the pedagogical foundations that shape the self-stury culture of a future civil engineer. Personal qualities of students play an important role in technical education, as the profession of a civil engineer is associated with extreme responsibility. The study is based on the activity theory, which states that one can gain social experience only as a result of one’s own activities, i.e. through contextual training. According to the theory of contextual learning, transmitting information to the student is not enough, it is student’s own internally motivated activity that matters. Results. The paper is based on various researches devoted to unsupervised activities on various subjects and authors’ own observations and experiments. The authors believe that university students are not ready for unsupervised learning, mostly because secondary school did not prepare them for it. Our data show that first-year students cannot plan their actions to achieve a certain goal in solving specific tasks; they are unable to rank tasks according to priority and time factor; finally, their self-organization and communication skills leave much to be desired. Thus, the level of self-study culture in future civil engineers is extremely low. The paper features some pedagogical foundations that contribute to the formation of self-study culture. The foundations incorporate pedagogical technologies based on the activity theory, e. g. project and problem-based learning, case methods, business games, etc. Conclusion. The abovementioned pedagogical techniques are of particular value for the modern educational process that involves future civil engineers and their unsupervised activities. Technical education should raise an awareness of responsibility, both for students’ own self-studies and for the formation of the qualities required for success in their future professional career.
time budget, contextual learning, intradisciplinary communication, interdisciplinary communication, heuristic unsupervised activities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, organizational and pedagogical foundations, pedagogical technologies
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