Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 27.01 Общие вопросы математики
GRNTI 31.01 Общие вопросы химии
GRNTI 34.01 Общие вопросы биологии
The authors discussed the results of study of population genetic structure of Khakass sub-ethnic groups - indigenous population of the Republic of Khakassia. The gene pool is studied according to two classes of markers: autosomal DNA (CCR2*rs1799864, CCR5*rs333, ACE1*rs4646994, PLAT*rs4646972, noA25*rs, PV92*rs3138523, ApoA1*rs3138522, noB65*rs, no F13B*rs) and quasigenetic markers (surnames). Total sample size was 249 persons for autosomal DNA dataset, and 9693 persons for the surnames dataset. Four Khakass sub-ethnic groups - Kachins, Koybals, Kyzyls, and Sagays - were investigated. Both classes of markers provided similar results on the subdivision of Khakass sub-ethnic groups and genetic relationships between them. Analysis of autosomal DNA markers showed statistically significant differences of allele frequencies. Interpopulation genetic variation (GST) of the Khakass populations was 2.10%. The largest genetic distances were observed when comparing Sagays and Kyzyls (d = 0.032). The least genetic distances were observed when comparing samples of Kachins and Koybals (d = 0.032). According to the surnames dataset, the similarity index (Ri) is minimal in the pair "Sagays - Kyzyls" and is maximal in a pair of "Kachins - Koybals". Genetic distances characterizing the differences between sub-ethnic groups, decrease, and kinship coefficient, which reflects the similarity increases in the following series: Sagays, Kyzyls, Kachins, and Koybals.
indigenous population, quasigenetic markers peptides, enzymic hydrolysis, biotechnological methods
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