Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 27.01 Общие вопросы математики
GRNTI 31.01 Общие вопросы химии
GRNTI 34.01 Общие вопросы биологии
An analytical formula for the enthalpy of evaporation of secondary alcohols has been received using the method of thermodynamic similarity. The relative molecular mass M, Tboil and also the number of carbon atoms in the molecule N are applied as parameters of reduction. A dependence of boiling temperature on the number of carbon atoms in a molecule of secondary alcohol has been provided. A predicting model for the vaporization enthalpy based on the data on critical temperature has been provided. A possibility of application of the similarity theory for the calculation of enthalpy of melting of secondary alcohols according to the known vaporization enthalpy has been considered. The obtained thermodynamic characteristics of secondary alcohols can be used when calculating equilibrium ratios charts. In the PCEAS program developed by the authors (Phase Charts Eutectic and Azeotropic Systems) input data are the enthalpy and temperature of phase transition of pure components therefore the offered models allow to calculate the equilibrium charts of binary systems on the basis of secondary alcohol
Secondary alcohols, thermodynamic similarity, enthalpy of vaporization and boiling point
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25. 25. Esina Z.N., Murashkin V.V. and Korchuganova M.R. Fazovaya diagramma Evtekticheskaya i azeotropnaya sistema (PCEAS) [Phase Chart Eutectic and Azeotropic System (PCEAS)]. State registration certificate of an application software, no. 2012620983, 2012.