UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Dedicated to the life and work of the main developers of the theoretical positions of correctional labour and criminal law as science and law, among which a special place is occupied by the doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, major General of internal service Nikolai Struchkov, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, whose name since 1997, is the chair of penal law of the Academy. Given his outstanding achievements and participation. GN A. Struchkova in the development of proposals for education in 1970. RVS USSR Ministry of internal Affairs on the basis of secondary educational institutions, proposed to apply the appropriation of the Academy of the FPS of Russia in his name.
developers of the legislation of the criminal-legal complex, representatives of scientific schools of correctional labor (criminally-executive) law, participation in the scientific-pedagogical and publishing activities of the Ministry of internal affairs, awarding the name of professor N. A. Struchkov Academy of the FPS of Russia
1. Zagorodnikov N. I. General v nauke, general v stroyu. Pravovye i organizacionnye osnovy spolneniya ugolovnyh nakazaniy : trudy Akademii MVD SSSR. M., 1991. 146 s
2. Struchkov N. A. Sovetskaya ispravitel'no-trudovaya politika i ee rol' v bor'be s prestupnost'yu. Saratov, 1970. 271 s