UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Discusses some problematic aspects of the development and improvement of the penitentiary system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The subject of the research is social relations in the enforcement of criminal sentences involving deprivation of liberty.The purpose of the study is to determine the problems of the penal policy of Uzbekistan, promising areas for reduction of number of prisoners. In particular, it studies the reasons for the low legal awareness of population, lack of innovations in the conditions of detention for convicted persons, save in the penitentiary system (prisons and penal colonies) of the former Soviet order, etc.In order to develop promising directions of improving the penitentiary policy of the state is-studied progressive experience of the most advanced in this area countries, especially Finland, which recorded the lowest ratio of prisoners relative to the overall population. On the basis of the studied experience, the conclusion about necessity of radical changes in the penal policy when the emphasis of the prison (penal) policy, which is based on a progressive system of serving of punishment in penal institutions, is fundamentally different from colonies and prisons.The study produced a number of scientifically sound proposals and recommendations. In particular, proposed a set of universal measures to enable Uzbekistan to overcome the relative crowded-ness of places of deprivation of liberty such as equitable social policy (basic element of crime prevention, reduction of the number of convicts be measures aimed at preventing poverty).
crime, criminal punishment, repression, prison policy, justice, enforcement and penal institutions, prisoners, prison, prisons, detention centers, criminal subculture, alternative punishments, resocialization, correction
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