UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Features of criminal liability of minors under the Law on administration of justice for minors of August 4, 1953 to Germany and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are considered. It is noted that in the Russian Federation legal status of the minor who has committed a crime is defined by standards of the relevant codified acts [The Criminal code (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the Code of Criminal Procedure (the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation), the Criminal and executive code].Features of criminal liability of minors in Germany are regulated by the special Law on administration of justice for minors of August 4, 1953. Characteristic of this act is the complex nature of the norms forming it including criminal and legal, penal and criminal procedure instructions.In the conclusion the author said that regulation of criminal liability of minors in Germany represents accurately legislatively certain system of the instructions aimed at providing the purpose of special prevention within the respective sphere of criminal legal relations is drawn. In this regard studying of the German legislation and, perhaps, inclusion of separate provisions in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is advisable.
the Russian Federation, Germany, juvenile justice, criminal liability of minors, punishment, educational measures
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