Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article is devoted to issues related to the peculiarities of legal regulation of the two criminal sentences of the Republic of Azerbaijan applied to convicted servicemen: limitation on military service and the maintenance in disciplinary military unit. The article also contains statistics on the application of these penalties. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the author proposes a number of changes to the current legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on increase of their efficiency.
limitation on military service, maintenance in disciplinary military unit, Azerbaijan
1. Sbornik zakonodatel'stva Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki. 2000. № 4. St. 251
2. Komitet po statistike Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki. URL : (data obrascheniya: 08.04.2017)
3. Rzaeva S. N. Nakazaniya, primenyaemye k voennosluzhaschim, i voprosy ih regulirovaniya v zakonodatel'stve // Aktual'nye voprosy sudebnoy ekspertizy, kriminalistiki i kriminologii : sb. nauch. tr. Vyp. 62. Centr sudebnoy ekspertizy. Baku, 2014. S. 232
4. Gazeta «Azerbaydzhan». 2017. 10 fevr