Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
It is analyzed short stories of the criminal legislation - norms on the criminal liability for small bribery provided by article 291.2 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and also assignment of punishment in the form of a penalty for receiving and bribery proceeding from the available jurisprudence of the magistrates considering this kind of criminal cases. Examples of infliction of penalty for taking of a bribe in a size which isn’t exceeding ten thousand rubles in regions of the Russian Federation are given. Comparison of assignment of punishment in the form of a penalty for small bribery, for taking of a bribe in a considerable size, that is in the sum which isn’t exceeding twenty five thousand rubles, taking of a bribe in large (exceeding hundred fifty thousand rubles) and especially large size (exceeding one million rubles) is made. The tendency, on the one hand, of improvement of the situation of persons which acts are qualified according to p.1 Art. 291.2 (if the sum of a bribe doesn’t exceed 10 thousand rubles) as their crimes became punishable less strictly in comparison with crimes of the persons committing bribery in a considerable size (the p. 2 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is traced. On the other hand, it is noted that this tendency is more likely not a humanization, and reflection of the principle of justice as the differentsized illegal income of officials finds in practice punishment proportional to their sum for bribery, and the size of a penalty is adequate and approximately comparable both in a case with small, and with large bribery.
small bribery, taking of a bribe, bribery, official, penalty, penalty size, principle of justice, punishment humanization, assignment of punishment, criminal law