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Abstract (English):
The results of the research of women subculture and its negative influence on correction during imprisonment are presented. The subculture of convicted women has a specific set of value orientations, norms of behavior, net of steady informal relations, counteracts the correction, causes a certain order both in psychological, and in the physiological relations of women. Besides, the convicts have, as a rule, asocial subculture, that defines their behavour, the criminogenic and criminal phenomena and processes in colonies, causes moral deformation of the personality, causes criminality and represents the concentrated negative phenomenon. This limits the development possibilities of the open constructive relations between convicts and the staff of institution, thereby complicates achievement of the punishment purposes. The analysis of the disciplinary practice in women’s institutions shows that violation of conditions and order of serving a sentence is a consequence of rejection of convicts, their psychological pressure or is caused by desire to dominate over other convicts.For optimization of corrective measures for convicted women it is necessary to consider: character of the individual and group attitude of convicts towards personnel; characteristics of the informal norms breaking legal standards; changing character of internal and external relations between convicts. Implementation of individual approach to reformation of convicted women must be based on knowledge of specific features and social-psychological confotmity of their environment. The measures of prevention of women’s criminal subculture development in corrections are offered.

convicted women, imprisonment, colonies, corrective influence, criminal subculture
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