UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article provides an algorithm of actions related to the preparation of materials on article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is made to exclude cases of the direction of materials in court with violations of requirements of articles 28.2, 29.5 of the specified Code. Therefore the concrete practical algorithms of actions connected with registration of cases of administrative offenses in institutions of a penal system (regarding the forbidden objects) are directed to elimination of gaps of legislative regulation in the sphere of production on cases of administrative offenses in institutions and bodies of a penal system. Besides is given the list of documents and materials directed to court upon detection of the prohibited articles. The offered algorithms, documents and materials will allow increasing efficiency of activity of practical workers of a penal system.
applied algorithms of actions, employees of a penal system, prohibited articles, the regime territory, ad- ministrative offenses, mailings, Misterstvo internal has put, correctional facility
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