UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author analyzes the problems of correctional compulsory labor application. The Federal penal service submitted the proposal for improvement of regulatory support and enlargement of correctional centers network. The author expects the considerable increase of convicts population sentenced to correctional compulsory labor if it is settled that the convicts who have embarked on a path of correction will be transferred to correctional centers from the colonies before release on parole. It is possible to involve convicts in сorrectional centres in high-paying jobs performed, as a rule, by free citizens on a rotational basis as a new form of corrective action. High salary will stimulate reformation of a convict and his resocialization.It is proposed to establish mobile correctional centers with mechanized equipment similar to mobile mechanical divisions used for the construction of a number of facilities. The expansionof the correctional centers network is also possible by means of: a) reorganization of the penal colony settlements; b) creation of correctional centers sections in penal colony settlements;c) creation of correctional centers sections in correctional institutions; d) establishment of mobile correctional centers with mechanized equipment (pilot reforms). This type of punishment is potentially more effective in relation to the functions currently carried out by such types of punishment as correctional work, compulsory labor and restriction of freedom in the elimination of conflicts and shortcomings typical of the legal norms regulating the application of compulsory labor, as well as in the expansion of their scope. This will strengthen the new capacity and effectiveness of the correctional centers system.
improvement of legal provision, compulsory labor, correctional centers, mobile mechanized correctional centers, location, a rotational basis (method)
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