UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author explains the importance of legal mechanism of personality safety protection in penal (correctional) institutions and remand prison centers, states the problems in the field of legal regulation of personality safety protection function in a remand prison center. The classification of laws and regulations providing personality safety protection in remand prison centers is presented in the article. The analyzed law acts are the basis for improvement of legal regulations providing personality safety protection in penal (correctional) institutions and remand prison centers.
penal (correctional) institution, remand prison centers, suspect, accused, convict, legal regulation, security (safety)
1. O bezopasnosti : feder. zakon ot 28 dek. 2010 g. № 390-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 2011. № 1. St. 2
2. Ob operativno-rozysknoy deyatel'nosti : feder. zakon ot 12 avg. 1995 g. № 144-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 1995. № 33. St. 3349
3. O soderzhanii pod strazhey, podozrevaemyh i obvinyaemyh v sovershenii prestupleniy : feder. zakon ot 15 iyulya 1995 g. № 103-FZ // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva Ros. Federacii. 1995. № 29. St. 2759