UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author investigates the criminal procedural and associated with them penal problems which are caused by the shortcomings of the regulatory procedural activities referring to convicts’ transfer to their native states for serving their sentences. The author gives the definition of the notion of “transfer of convicts”, states the fundamental differences of this notion from the concept of “extradition of convicts”. He proposes to improve the existing criminal procedural legislation in terms of expanding the list of penalties for which it is possible to transfer convicts (at present - only deprivation of liberty), including punishment without isolation from society, as well as other measures in connection with the introduction of the category “criminal offence” to Criminal law.It seems that the current criminal procedural legislation taking into account only deprivation of liberty is counterproductive for the further progressive development of international cooperation and does not meet the realities of today.
extradition of a convict, execution of a sentence, international cooperation, transfer of a convict, criminal procedure, criminal proceeding, penal law
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