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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the initial stage of serving the sentence of imprisonment which determines the whole process of correction of convicts. It is noted that it provides: adjustment of the prisoners in a correctional institution to micro community of persons serving sentences; their inclusion to labor and educational processes; examination for law-abiding be- havior; study of the personality of newly arrived prisoners; classification and distribution of them into units, cells, groups; security in the correctional institution.The author proves that the initial stage should consist of three separate periods: 1) the direction of convicts in correctional institution; 2) reception of them in a correctional facility, placement of them to quarantine and an adaptation unit; 3) accommodation and treatment of convicts in the standard conditions of the serving a sentence.The role of adaptation units in a correctional institution is revealed. The most important sphere of work in an adaptation unit is a comprehensive study of convict’s personality and his subsequent placement in a colony unit taking into account human rights protection of convicts, the right to life, health, personal integrity and safety of their life in a correctional institution.The problems of the final stage of serving a sentence (deprivation of liberty) are touched upon. It is proposed to combine the six-month training of convicts for release and the one-year period after release into a single preventive process, to create open conditions for all categories of convicts including persons convicted for grave and particularly grave crimes for long terms of imprisonment and malicious violators of the regime for whom there should be provided separate units in the colonies-settlements.This process should be managed by the probation service and if there is no such service it should be managed by the prison inspectorate which can supervise the preparation process for release and develop special programs to ensure the transition from life in a correctional institution to a law-abiding life in society.

initial stage of serving a sentence, standard conditions of serving a sentence, lighter conditions of serving a sentence, reception of newly arrived convicts, quarantine, adaptation unit, preparation of convicts for release, final stage of serving a sentence, open conditions, probation service, management of adaptation after release
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