UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article is devoted to some problems of criminal punishment in the form of freedom restriction. The execution of the freedom restriction is provided by the whole system of means that are closely interrelated, forming a single complex. Such means can be subdivided into two main groups: control and Supervisory and psychological and educational. Separate means of enforcement of freedom restriction in relation to each of the certain groups are defined. The author’s classification of means of correction of the condemned provided by article 9 of the Criminal penal code of the Russian Federation is offered. The problems of realization of means of enforcement of freedom restriction are revealed. Some organizational and legal problems of application of electronic means of supervision and control over convicted persons are separately considered. The study may be of interest for both workers of penal inspections and persons interested in the problems of imposition and execution of criminal punishment in the form of freedom restriction.
restriction of liberty, electronic means of control, control and surevision means, psychological and educational means
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