UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article reveals the methodological approaches to the definition of criteria of the cadets’ readiness for activities in emergency and other crisis situations in the Federal penitentiary service.The analysis of various methods of determination of indicators and criteria of physical readiness available in sports pedagogy allowed to draw a conclusion that it is useful to apply indicators of success of accomplishment of professional actions and dynamics of indirect indicators of working capacity of the individual as external criteria of check of readiness of cadets of higher education institutions of Federal penal service for activities in emergency circumstances. However, this issue remains controversial, and we hope to attract the attention of teachers andpsychologists, the heads of relevant departments of the Federal penal service to solving the problem criteria of readiness of cadets of departmental educational institutions for activities in extraordinary circumstances.
educational organizations of the Federal Penal Service, extraordinary circumstances, sports pedagogy, levels of readiness, methodological approaches
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