UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Psychology of constructive behavior of penal system staff is an innovative poorly studied scientific problem. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, both foreign and domestic, and the regulatory framework, the article presents a number of conflicting positions in the organization and maintenance of the activities of penal system staff. A working definition of the constructive behavior of penal system employees which is based on personal activity aimed at improving the efficiency of professional activity is given. The purpose of preventive work is to build up professionally necessary personal constructs through the formation of internal structures of psyche through assimilation of external social activities, life experience, formation of mental functions and development in general. To achieve this goal it is proposed to use the system concept of constructing logical levels of personality By G. Bateson and R. Dilts. The work built within the framework of this approach allows to carry out diagnostics of hidden motivation and correction of behavior by changing and (or) development of personal constructs. The standard set of psychodiagnostic techniques currently recommended in the penitentiary system does not solve the problem of identifying personal constructs that reveal the true motives of employees, true beliefs, hidden feelings, plans and intentions. The peculiarity of the problem situation is also that the person who has passed the psychodiagnostics is not always aware of the formed constructs in his personality which manifests self-attitude to himself, to his relatives, other people, and his profession. Psychological and pedagogical prevention of destructive behavior among the penal institutions personnel should be focused, firstly, on the work on psychological and pedagogical support of young employees (newly recruited graduates of higher educational institutions), and secondly, on providing psychological and pedagogical support to employees who are reserved for promotion to a higher position.
constructiveness, personal construct, constructive behavior, employee, motive, crime, ethics, tolerance, frustration, integrity
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