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Abstract (English):
The author considers questions of application of social jobs in the Azerbaijan Republic. It is noted that the mechanism of implementation of social jobs is rather in detail settled by the legislation, however practice of execution of the provisions of the law isn’t deprived of problems and shortcomings. The facts of formal execution of social jobs aren’t rare. For enhancement of institute of social jobs it is offered: to increase number of the sanctions article of the Special part of the Criminal code providing this type of punishment; to exclude a possibility of replacement of social jobs with imprisonment; to develop the effective mechanism of execution of social jobs and control of the persons serving this sentence; to establish responsibility for creation of conditions for evasion from serving of this punishment. Besides, in case of local executive bodies it is necessary to create a special databank about works which can be executed by convicts. Such measure is capable to facilitate providing convicts with the corresponding work significantly.

Azerbaijan Republi, criminal sanction, social jobs, convicts to punishments without isolation from society, a probation
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