UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article deals with the main tendencies of modern crime of minors as in general, and in the separate directions reveal, modern problems of the prevention of this crime, including divisions for minor law enforcement bodies on the basis of statistical data.Allocation of crime of minors in an independent type of crime is defined by the specifics which are shown both in a causal complex, and in motivation of criminal behavior. Minors have specific personal features, and also social legal status in the public relations. Also the mechanism of individual criminal behavior differs at commission of the same crimes at minors. In this regard the happening changes in crime of minors, both unidirectional, and multidirectional in relation to crimes of adults, can be caused by both similar, and different factors.Crime of minors in Moscow assumes tendencies to decrease as in general, and on separate specific manifestations, however in some directions of crime of minors complication of a criminal situation is observed.The available positive tendencies aren't connected with efficiency of activity of divisions for minor law enforcement bdies which officials often treat formally the activity and don't carry out fully the tasks assigned to them.Interaction as between divisions of law-enforcement bodies, so with other departments and institutions which incoming in prevention of neglect and offenses of minors at a stage of identification of the minors inclined to commission of of-fenses, and the parents who aren't carrying out an obligation for education of children isn't properly organized and also when carrying out individual scheduled maintenance with teenagers and parents of the specified category.
crime of minors, involvement of minors in criminal activity, crime in Moscow, activities of police for the prevention of crimes, activity of divisions for minors
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2. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. URL : http://cbsd.gks.ru/# (data obrascheniya: 21.07.2016)
3. Glavnoe upravlenie MVD Rossii po g. Moskve. URL : https://77.mvd.rf/Dejatelnost/rezultati/2015-god (data obrascheniya: 22.07.2016)
4. Territorial'nyy organ Federal'noy sluzhby statistiki po gorodu Moskve. URL : http://moscow.gks.ru/ wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/moscow/ru/statistics/population/ (data obrascheniya: 22.07.2016)