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Abstract (English):
An important componens of legal status of the personality is the subjective right to mental health which ensuring proper implementation is one of urgent tasks of the state. Availability in the legislation of the wide list of legal guarantees of implementation of this right attracts inadmissibility of any restriction of the rights of citizens, including in case of application of enforcement measures to them. Implementation of the specified subjective requires making of certain legally significant actions which procedure is established by the law in this connection the importance of a problem of observance of the rights of the persons suffering from mental disturbances and non-admission of their illegal restriction increases.At the same time, involvement of the citizen in legal responsibility causes emergence of certain restrictions of its subjective rights which extent depends on weight of a perfect offense. As criminal liability represents a complex type of legal responsibility, its implementation is connected with emergence of the greatest number of restrictions of the subjective right.Process of medical nature powers implementation exerts serious impact on amount of the rights and obligations of the condemned person. Meanwhile, despite the introduction fact in a legal force of the court verdict, the condemned face save the legal status and the main amount of the subjective rights and obligations, have the right to freely exercise the civil laws and to participate in civil circulation.The current legislation allows establishment of legal limits concerning the persons suffering from mental disturbances including by means of execution concerning them enforcement powers of medical nature. Similar restrictions can be expressed both in assignment of subsidiary duties, and in a prohibition to make the certain actions constituting content of the subjective right and have certain specifics.In this article the author considers a problem of restriction of the subjective rights of the personality to mental health and other basic rights in case of execution of enforcement powers of medical nature.

civil law, civil rights, mental health, restriction of the civil rights, legal restrictions
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