UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Presents the results of the structure of criminal subculture of convicts. The main elements are: criminal ideology, morality, lifestyle, organization, cult, behavioral norms, replenishment of the criminal community policing, communications, material and financial provision, prison lyrics, sexy erotica, stratification in the environment of prisoners. The author revealed the description of the measures for maintaining order in the criminal community, means of depersonalization of the individual in the environment of prisoners.
elements of subcultures, stratification, tattoos, nicknames, group, «thieves law», the oath, the status, the registration, the gags, the maintenance of order
1. Pirozhkov V. F. Zakony prestupnogo mira molodezhi (kriminal'naya subkul'tura). Tver', 1994. 323 s