Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The analysis of the legal reforms of the penitentiary system of Russia in conditions consistent lished the fall of the autocracy; presents the objectives and main activities Main Directorate of places of detention of the Ministry of justice of the Provisional government to reform the system of execution of criminal penalties, the assessment of the impact of the current socio-political situation.
history of Russian law and the state of the Main administration of places of detention of the Provisional government, the Russian penitentiary system, the prison manual 1915, reform of the prison system
1. Vnutrennyaya i konvoynaya strazha Rossii 1811-1917 : dok. i materialy / pod red. V. F. Nekrasova. M. : Ekzamen, 2002. 576 s
2. Zhizhilenko A. A. Nakazanie. Ego ponyatie i otlichie ot drugih pravoohranitel'nyh sredstv. Petrograd : Tipografiya «Pravda», 1914. 684 s
3. Gosudarstvennyy arhiv Rossiyskoy Federacii (dalee - GARF). F. 7420. Op. 1. D. 122. L. 7-8, 23, 41, 48, 58-58 ob, 61
4. Vestnik penitenciarnyh znaniy. 1917. № 1-6. 110 s
5. GARF. F. 7420. Op. 2. D. 361. L. 3
6. Gernet M. N. Sud i samosud. M. : Izd. Moskovskogo soyuza potrebitel'skih obschestv, 1917. 14 s
7. Gosudarstvennyy arhiv Ryazanskoy oblasti (dalee - GARO). F. 220. Op. 1. D. 7. L. 21
8. Skripilev E. A. Tyuremnaya politika i tyuremnoe zakonodatel'stvo Vremennogo pravitel'stva : lekciya. M., 1968. 64 s
9. GARF. F. 122. Op. 5. D. 3282. L. 6, 8
10. GARF. F. 220. Op. 1. D. 54. L. 6
11. Shingarev A. I. Krizis vlasti // Vestnik partii narodnoy svobody. 1917. № 20. S. 1-10. 12. GARF. F. 7420. Op. 1. D. 158. L. 2
12. GARF. F. 7420. Op.1. D. 130. L. 56, 155
13. Hrestomatiya po istorii gosudarstva i prava SSSR. Dooktyabr'skiy period / T. E. Novickaya [i dr.] / pod red. Yu. P. Titova, O. I. Chistyakova. M. : Yurid. lit., 1990. 479 c