UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
A system-wide objectives of the institutions of the penal system is not specific, not quantified, does not fully conform to the objectives of society (does not take into account postpenitentiary-wide recurrence) have focused mainly on the execution of departmental tasks. Justified evaluation of the impact of the activities of institutions of penal system according to their contribution to reducing the amount Poste-managing relapses and socio-economic loss of society. Tools for the quantitative assessment are based on expert assessments of the factors of activity and severity of relapses (personal characteristics of prisoners, their behavior in the prison system, including the nature of the relationship with society).
justification of the goals of the penal system, criteria of efficiency of activity, quantification of effektivnosti
1. Terehin V. I., Chernyshov V. V. Effektivnost' ugolovno-ispolnitel'noy sistemy: ekonomiko- pravovoe ocenivanie : monografiya. Ryazan' : Akademiya FSIN Rossii, 2015. 344 s
2. Antonyan Yu. M. Kriminologiya : uchebnik dlya bakalavrov. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M. : Yurayt, 2012. 523 s
3. Yuzhanin V. E., Armashova A. V. Problemy recidiva prestupleniy i otvetstvennost' za nego po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii. M. : Yurlitinform, 2007. 192 s
4. Terehin V. I. Effektivnost' UIS: soderzhanie i metody kolichestvennoy ocenki : monografiya. Ryazan' : Akademiya FSIN Rossii, 2014. 185 s