UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The existence of criminal responsibility after serving his sentence and before the expiry of the maturity or overturned naturally raises the question of the content of that influence, which a person must undergo as a result of the recognition subject criminally-legal relations in the final stage of realization of criminal responsibility, about the transformation of its legal status in postfinite-cierny period.The legislator, defining the legal status of convicted persons (article 10-15 PEC RF), clearly indicates that they shall perform the duties and enjoy the rights established by the regulations for the citizens (thereby implementing function to preserve the General legal status of citizens) with restrictions, provided by law for the convicted, and the consequences of the verdict and the mode of punishment of that kind. At the same time, at the normative level there is no indication on limits of rights and duties of persons who have served a criminal sentence. In the legislation of the Russian Federation there are no explicit legal norms providing for the possibility of application of criminal-law enforcement to the citizens in the mode of conviction. Thus the current in fact, the practice of restrictions of rights and obligations is exempt from punishment appear to be fairly uncertain that the conditions of formation of legal state, selection of priority problems of legal protection of the individual can hardly be recognized as normal.
conviction, the legal status of the convicted person, penal consequence of conviction, the criminal right consequences of conviction, expungement (and cancellation) of conviction, public enforcement
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