UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The attention to entities of legal institute «undesirability of accommodationof the foreign citizen or person without citizenship in the Russian Federation» is focused. Acceptance concerning the convicted foreign citizen and the person without citizenship of the decision concerning the undesirability of residence in the Russian Federation involves assignment of a person’s duty to leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. Preparation of the conclusion about need of adoption of the specified decision concerning the convicted foreign citizen and the person without citizenship is carried out by institutions and bodies of penal system in this connection with their loading increases, the decision of operational-official tasks is complicated.The system analysis of the Russian Federation legislation shows that according to the meaning, bases, conditions, application order, legal institute is equal to another legal institute - not to permit to come into the Russian Federation.The necessity of existence of law institutes concerning theconvicted foreign citizens and the persons without citizenship is doubtful.The necessity of expediency of coexistence of the specified law institute of penal sphere is proved.
convicted foreign citizen, deliberate crime, dispatch, penal system
1. Malysheva, O. A. Ugolovno-processual'nye osnovy ispolneniya prigovora [Tekst] / O. A. Malysheva. - M. : Norma, 2017. - 288 s