UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Now in the theory of the right there is a set of the opinions concerning the maintenance of system of the mechanism of penal regulation. However regardless of various positions all representatives of the general theory of the right and penitentiary science note that a fundamental principle, the base, legal base of the specified mechanism is the penal norm therefore force, effectiveness and efficiency of the studied mechanism first of all depends on compliance of a standard basis to criteria of quality.The first sign of quality of norm as the central element defining effectiveness of the mechanism of penal regulation is a compliance of her contents, orientation of action to the main and defining basic bases of the penal law - to the purposes and the principles. In this case it is about need of that in each norm "spirit" of fundamental principles of the right has to be put. In fact, the legislator during creation and determination of content of penal norm has to answer a question: how will this norm influence achievement of the designated purposes and realization of the principles of the right?The following sign of quality of penal norm is that the considered rule has to influence the public relations determined by a subject of the penal law and/or regulate them. In other words, everyone without exception penal norm has to develop and exert impact (to influence) and also to order, set in motion, to direct (to regulate) activity of participants of the penal relations.The qualitative penal norm has to be the public relations really operating, that is directed to a regulation not fictional, but in fact arising and existing which, in turn, define borders of functioning of the mechanism of penal regulation.The penal norm has to make positive legal impact on behavior of participants of penal legal relationship, for example, to stimulate activity of convicts, to exert motivational impact on them.The following criterion of quality of penal norm is that the considered element of system of the mechanism of penal regulation has to answer rules (requirements) of the legislative equipment to which it conforms to carry: rules of creation of penal norm, rule of language and style of penal norm, rule of strict and stable use of the conventional legal language.Observance of the specified requirements is one of the main conditions of successful functioning of the mechanism of penal regulation.
mechanism of penal regulation, system of legal means, penal norm, criteria of quality of norm, convicts, em-ployees
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