UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The main results of researches (social and demographic, criminal and executive, behavioural indicators) characterizing the convicts to imprisonment staying on the preventive registry in correctional facilities of Russia are presented. Indicators are determined by each of twelve bases of statement on this account provided by the Instruction for prevention of offenses among the persons which are contained in institutions of a penal correction system. The empirical base is based on collecting and the analysis of the data on convicts obtained during filling with the staff of correctional facilities of 20 territorial authorities the Federal Penitentiary Service of specially developed forms. Information on 6743 convicts has been as a result obtained what has made 8,4 % of the total number of the convicts to imprisonment staying on the preventive registry. The conclusion that the revealed indicators in general are specific to each of the specified bases and are caused by them is drawn. Results of a research are important for identification of such convicts from the lump of the persons imprisoned of improvement of scheduled maintenance with this category of convicts, realization concerning their corrective process and in general law enforcement and law and order in correctional facilities.
penal system, correctional facilities, convicts, characteristic of convicts, preventive accounting, correction of convicts
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