UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Problems which solution will allow to increase efficiency of functioning of penal inspections in Russia are reflected. It is noted that it could be promoted by improvement their organizational and legal (including joint activity with subjects of prevention) and material support.The reasons of increase in level of repeated crime of convicts to types of punishment alternative to imprisonment are considered. It is specified that need of their careful identification and determination of features of the identity of subregistration persons is caused by preservation of their complex criminogenic structure (every fifth is condemned for commission of heavy or especially serious crime, a third - earlier were brought to trial, a half - haven’t been busy with socially useful activity and had no constant source of income). The criminogenic list of the persons who are on account in penal inspections reveals.Recommendations for the staff of penal inspectorates for the organization of work with subregistration persons and also requirements to plans of individual scheduled maintenance with them are provided. Use of system of the electronic equipment of under control persons is analyzed.It is specified that increase in efficiency of execution of punishments and measures of criminal and legal character without isolation of the convict from society can be promoted by activization of interaction of penal inspections with vessels, prosecutor’s office and law-enforcement bodies.
penal inspectorate, law-enforcement bodies, organization of interaction, efficiency, level of repeated crime, preventive measures, material support, court, prosecutor’s office
1. Smirnova, I. N. Ob organizacionno-pravovom obespechenii deyatel'nosti ugolovnoispolnitel'nyh inspekciy po preduprezhdeniyu povtornyh prestupleniy lic, sostoyaschih na ih uchete [Tekst] / I. N. Smirnova, L. N. Tarabuev // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. - 2014. - № 1
2. Smirnova, I. N. Organizaciya vzaimodeystviya ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekciy s sudami kak vazhnoe uslovie effektivnosti ispolneniya nakazaniy i mer ugolovno-pravovogo haraktera bez izolyacii osuzhdennogo ot obschestva [Tekst] / I. N. Smirnova, S. A. Novozhilov // Zakon i pravo. - 2016. - № 11. S. 99-103