UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
On the basis of the analysis of materials of the criminal cases brought in 2010-2015 under article 321 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation concerning the convicts serving sentence in the form of imprisonment features of circumstances of commission in corrective labor colonies of the general, strict and special modes of actions, disorganizing activity of the institutions providing isolation from society and also typical motive of commission of crime - the conflict of the convict with administration of correctional facility are revealed; characteristic places of commission of crime are defined: various rooms and the territory of a residential zone of correctional facility (premises of groups and the territory adjoining to them). Typical time of commission of the considered category of crimes are week-days during the period from 8 to 12 o’clock. The majority of crimes is committed by means of muscular physical force of convicts without use of any weapon and means of infliction of harm, as a rule, by striking blows by hands and legs on a body of the victim or arm-twisting, pushes, etc. At the same time different injuries, body wounds and damages of clothes of the victim act as typical traces of crime.
crime, disorganization of activity of the institutions providing isolation from society, identity of the penal criminal, convict, corrective labor colony
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