UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The organization of educational work with convicts in the course of prevention of the crimes committed by convicts in the conditions of serving sentence in the form of imprisonment is considered the main measures of educational influence on condemned within all-social prevention of the crimes committed in corrective labor colonies are analyzed.The organization of educational work with convicts is one of the most priority directions within counteraction of penitentiary crime as it is directly directed to each specific personality and has individual and precautionary character. More how this process will be organized, it is possible to speak about efficiency of activities of administration of correctional facilities for the organization of all-social prevention of the crimes committed by convicts in places of detention.In this regard improvement of system of the general and professional education of convicts, public impact on convicts during serving sentence in the form of imprisonment will be a powerful anti-criminogenic factor in the course of prevention of penitentiary crime. This activity has to be directed first of all to increase in level of the general and professional education of convicts corresponding to realities of modern society and labor market for their successful adaptation to life outside correctional facilities.Use of resources of the public in the course of educational impact on convicts also is very progressive direction in prevention of criminal activity from convicts as within the current legislation the public and religious organizations have been given ample opportunities in this direction.
penal system, convict, correctional facility, corrective labor colony, penitentiary crime, organization of ac-tivity of corrective labor colonies, prevention of crime, educational work
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