UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The author reflects the main lines of penal policy of modern Russia which developed more than two decades in the conditions of Post-Soviet reality. The system of the Soviet correctional institutions as an objective factor keeps the influence on the maintenance of criminal and penal policy of modern Russia. Reforming of correctional facilities, formation of a penal system and improvement of the penal legislation taking into account the principles, standards and rules of the international documents concerning administration of justice, application of criminal and corrective coercion to convicts and ensuring their rights are the main directions of criminal and executive policy. The concept, contents, the principles, factors of formation and a form of realization of penal policy reveal.
criminal policy in application of punishments and other measures of criminal and legal character, penal policy and forms of her realization, penal legislation, the penal system, bodies and institutions executing punishments, personnel of penal system
1. Malikova, N. B. Processual'nye normy ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava i ih funkcii pri ispolnenii lisheniya svobody [Tekst] : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.08 / Malikova Nadezhda Borisovna. - Ryazan' : Akademiya FSIN Rossii, 2005. 27 s