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Abstract (English):
There are two antenna arrays located in Mingantu Spectral Radio Heliograph (MUSER). MUSER-I and MUSER-II cover the frequency band ranging from 0.4 to 2 GHz and from 2 to 15 GHz respectively. A third antenna array covering 30–240 MHz will be established in the coming years. A log-periodic antenna is one of the choices for MUSER low frequency band; it radiates structures capable of maintaining consistent impedance characteristics over a wide bandwidth. Due to the ability of achieving high gain, it is widely used in many broadband applications. In this program, folded and unfolded log-periodic antennas are simulated for the Meridian project. In order to improve its return loss, this antenna is optimized with the width of each pole and the height of the substrate. This optimized process has been implemented in the simulated software HFSS.

array, feed, log-periodic antenna
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