The article considers the problem of recycling of poultry waste, in particular, feather-downy waste and chicken dung. Traditional ways of poultry waste disposal have been shown and their shortcomings have been described. The main advantages of use of bioprocessing methods to implement the process of waste conversion with the formation of effective products - biohumus - have been determined. Biofertilizers or biohumus is a modern innovative means applied not only for the purpose of an increase in productivity, but also for land recultivation and resuscitation. The authors have studied the biohumus obtained by means of processing of mixture of feather-downy waste and dung in the ratio of 8 : 2 with the application of the biological product containing the consortium of decomposer microorganisms: Bacillus pumilus AL16, Microbacterium terregens AC1180, Aeromonas sp. B5376, Arthrobacter globiformis AC1529, Streptomyces olivocinereus AC1169 and Acinetobacter sp. B390. An assessment of efficiency of application of various rates of the developed biohumus for winter wheat crops has been made. It isshown that the application of a comparison sample - the organic mineral fertilizer "Universal'noe" (the expense is 150 g/m2) and the use of the developed biohumus (the expense is 150 g/m2) provided an increase in its growth, compared with the control sample of the wheat '"Skipetr", by 12 and 15 cm (the stem elongation stage), by 15 and 18 cm (the earing stage), by 21 and 30 cm (the milk stage) and by 19 and 30 cm (the firm ripe stage) respectively. The above values for the grade Zimushka were within the similar limits: an increase in its growth, compared with the control sample, by 17 and 18 cm (the stem elongation stage), by 19 and 21 cm (the earing stage) and by 19 and 31 cm (the milk stage and the firm ripe stage) respectively.An increase in the productivity of grades of the winter wheat "Skipetr" and "Zimushka" by 1.5 times (1.25 ± 0.25 t/hectare) has been established during the application of the obtained biohumus with the rate of 150 g/m2. The results of studies of change of fractional composition of grain proteins testify that the application of biohumus provides an increase in gluten fractions of winter wheat grains. An assessment of economic efficiency has been performed, it has been established that the highest rates of profitability refer to the variant with the application of the developed biohumus (the expense is 150 g/m2) - 63.2%, the lowest rates are 39.2% in the control sample.
Biohumus, poultry waste, effective microorganisms, waste bioconversion, microbial utilization, biological product, productivity of wheat, biofertilizer
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