Due to the growing problem of decrease in the quality and biological safety of food raw materials and the food obtained from it, the increase in the measures for grain improvement as one of the main vegetable resources of food productions is a necessary condition in the modern food industry. A perspectively new way of providing biosafety of grain raw materials is the use of silver nanoparticles. The present work provides data on the inhibiting influence of silver colloidal solutions on the bacterial composition of microflora of the most demanded grain crops of wheat and rye. Various antimicrobial efficiency of influence of the chosen colloidal solutions "Adzhenta colloidal silver" and "Colloidal silver concentrate KND-S-K" within 24 and 144 hours after the processing of grain crops has been shown. Various influence of experimentally chosen concentrations of solutions of silver nanoparticles of 0.1 g/dm3 and 0.075 g/dm3 on the number of viable cells of grain bacteria has been described. An approximate mechanism of effect of colloidal solutions of silver nanoparticles on the bacterial cells ofmicroorganisms has been stated. A negative role of bacterium Bacillus subtilis in grain production has specially been noted. Their identification in grain crops has been performed and measures for effective destruction of them in grain by means of silver nanoparticles have been proposed. The current data can be used for providing biological safety of grain and an effective solution of the problems on its processing for the purpose of manufacturing of quality products.
Silver nanoparticles, food production, grain biosafety, Bacillus subtilis
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