The main problem of implementation of technology of rutin extraction from grass buckwheat Fagopyrum sagittatum Gilib. lies in purification of rutin raw. In this connection the following research object is determined: consideration of the possibility to use for rutin raw purification different commercial carbon brands as adsorbents by the method of preparative chromatography and assessment of their effectiveness to achieve the maximum degree of purification with minimum duration of the elution process. The article presents experimental data on purification of rutin raw sample, extracted from grass buckweat green material by the preparative chromatography method using wood- and coconut-based activated carbons of different brands as sorbents; besides, the following items are presented in the article: dependence of rutin sample melting temperature, qualitative and quantitative flavonoid content, authenticity on chlorophyll and red pigments content depending on sorbent layer height and elution duration in comparison with the GSO [State Standard Samples] control sample. To confirm the reliability of the obtained results, statistical processing of experimental data is conducted using the methods of correlation and regression analysis, as well as using the two-parameter normal distribution of values. It is demonstrated that the use of the following carbon brands, indicated in decreasing effectiveness order, can provide the best purity and stability of parameters values, characterizing the product: NWC-P, NWM-P, OU-A, OU-B; the conducted calculations indicate that the best correlation between the sorbent layer height in a column and the rutin samples quality parameter was achieved when the carbons of the brands NWM-P, OY-A and OY-B were used. Depending on the tasks, rutin purification degree may be regulated by sequential use of NWC-P and NWM-P carbons. When rutin is purified from proximate admixtures, chlorophyll and red pigments, NWC-P adsorbent allows to get a comparable result even when the layer height is from 50 to 70 mm respectively.
Grass buckweat, rutin raw, activated carbon, purification, method of preparative chromatography
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