Identification has similarities and differences with other kinds of assessment activity: quality assessment, control management and certification. The final result of identification is verification of compliance or detection of falsification. Common features are tests for definition of actual values. This paper studies the design of universal primers for type identification of fruit raw material (strawberry, gooseberry, cherry, raspberry, banana, wild rose, kiwi). To further verify the specificity of primers, sequencing of fragments is produced, which are read by each from the primer pairs. For this purpose, 8 polymerase chain reactions (PCR-reactions) are initiated, one from each primer pair corresponding to one type of raw material. A single alignment matrix for each of the studied objects is created as a result. Re-verification of each matrix is conducted for the presence of read errors or other disputed single- nucleotide substitutions. It is stated that the alignment matrices of the nucleotide sequences of raspberry, strawberry (fragaria viridis), gooseberry, wild rose, cherry, banana and kiwi are aligned on all sides and the protruding "bases" do not disturb the future work of programmes for the primers design. Universal non-intersecting primers are chosen to identify the fruit raw material under studying. As a result of the use of various software packages and of the database GenBank NCBI, we managed to find a suitable DNA zone for each of the tested samples of fruit raw material at the level of generic differentiation for further development on its basis of the universal primers. It is zone 18S rDNA. All the found sequences have both the conservative part for planting a pair of primers, and the variable one for reliable identification of species or for phylogenetic analysis. As part of the study, all samples of fruit raw material have been identified
Fruit raw material, identification, PCR, matrix, primers
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