Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current problem of winemaking is the confirmation of a method for producing table and liqueur wines to protect the economic interests of producers and protect the health of consumers. It is possible to determine the nature of the sugars contained in wine on the basis of regularities in the dynamics of the glucose-fructose index (GFI) and the proportion of disaccharides in the total sugar content in the process chain "raw materials - finished products". The study objects included: the grapes grown on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, European, autochthonous technical varieties, as well as the varieties of a new selection; domestic and foreign wine materials and wines; model samples and wine falsifications. The content of disaccharides in terms of sucrose, glycerol, glucose and fructose was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. As a result of the studies of the wines obtained by arrested fermentation, there are some trends in the reduction of GFI with a decrease in the level of endogenous sugars: for the wines with a sugar content of 230-270 g/l, the range of GFI is 0.75-0.94, with a mass concentration of sugars of 10-20 g/l - 0.05-0.14. In the case of a sugar concentration in wine of more than 120 g/l, it is necessary to study a sample for the glycerol content as a marker of fermentation depth in order to increase the reliability of conclusion. The values of the indicators characteristic of high- sugar grapes are typical for the wines obtained by sweetening with a grape must concentrate: GFI - not more than 1.0, the proportion of disaccharides is not more than 1.2%; falsifications are characterized by the profile of sugars atypical for grape products: GFI is higher than 1.02, the share of disaccharides is more than 2%.

Glucose, fructose, sucrose, glycerol, high-performance liquid chromatography, concentrated grape must, falsification, banned supplements
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