UDK 66 Химическая технология. Химическая промышленность. Родственные отрасли
UDK 60 Прикладные науки. Общие вопросы
Technology and compositions of milk desserts with dietary purposes were developed using fructose and polysaccharides in order to replace gelatin and part of starch in formulations. Replacement of part of fat with soy protein isolate was conducted in order to decrease caloric content. Also, betulin extract of birch bark was introduced to the desserts with the purpose of additional enrichment with essentsialny components. Recommended concentrations of polysaccharides, soy protein isolate, fructose and betulin extract were experimentally carried out. Physicochemical, nutritional and organoleptic parameters for the developed products were determined.
Polysaccharides, soy protein isolate, fructose, betulin-containing birch bark extract
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