Cherepovec, Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of financing of small and medium-sized businesses in the Vologda region. The tendencies of development of small and medium enterprises of the region are defined. Directions of financing of small business for creation of favorable conditions of its development are reflected.
socio-economic development, investment attractiveness, mechanism of microfinance investment projects, advantages of the Vologda region, directions of development of the region.
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5. Publichnyy doklad o rezul'tatah deyatel'nosti glavy Cherepoveckogo municipal'nogo rayona za 2016 god [Elektronnyy resurs] //- URL:
6. Publichnyy doklad o rezul'tatah deyatel'nosti glavy Cherepoveckogo municipal'nogo rayona za 2017 god [Elektronnyy resurs] //- URL:
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